Micro-Wave Digestion 8200

Elemental techniques such as AA, ICP-OES, ICP-MS or XRF. Most of these techniques, require the sample to be dissolved prior to analysis. As analysis techniques continue to improve and become more sensitive, an even greater emphasis is being placed on methods of sample preparation that avoid risks of contamination.

Microwave digestion is now recognized worldwide as the most robust sample prep technique for AA, ICP-OES, or ICP-MS analyses. Microwave digestion involves combining the sample matrix and acids in a pressurized container and elevating the solution past the boiling point of the acid which significantly accelerates the digestion. Given the high operating temperatures and pressures, microwave digestion can be applied to a wide range of samples particularly environmental, agricultural, soils, food, feed, pharmaceutical products to name but a few. Thus producing a fully uniform dissolved sample simply, quickly and safely.

Read more https://www.pginstruments.com/product/micro-wave-digestion-model-8250/

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